Noa Mal - Holy Hour [galaxy train] 10trks.Cassette + DL code


Noa Mal - Holy Hour [galaxy train] 10trks.Cassette + DL code

Noa Mal clear tape 1st pressing 250
your number , lyrics sheet,
Noa Mal mini photo ( one of the two types )
galaxy sticker

galaxy trainからは6作品目。
Holy Hour は、ロマンチックな執着と依存症という複雑なテーマを掘り下げ、感情と経験を巧みに絡み合わせて魅力的な物語を生み出します。作家は彼らの愛情の対象を彼らの世界の中心として描き、彼らを比喩的な宗教の地位にまで高めます。このアルバムは各トラックで、愛、欲望の複雑さ、そしてそれが人間の精神に与える深い影響を探求するようリスナーを誘います。

Holy Hour delves into the intricate theme of romantic obsession and addiction, artfully intertwining emotions and experiences to create a captivating narrative. The writer portrays the subject of their affection as the center of their universe, elevating them to the status of a metaphorical religion. With each track, the album invites listeners to explore the complexities of love, desire, and the profound impact it has on the human psyche.
